Latest News: CME BOOK LAUNCH: 'Sad by Design, On Platform Nihilism' with author Geert Lovink. Click here to register.
Automated Symposium, November 25th, Registration Link
Culture Media Economy (CME) is a research hub at the School of Media Film and Journalism at Monash University. It is led by Professor Mark Andrejevic.
CME's active research strands are:
Culture, Media, Economy (CME) is a response to the current conjuncture in which new financial and business models, technologies, socio-cultural dynamics and geo-political configurations have radically transformed our understandings and practices of culture, media and economy. Though faced with a unique contemporary conjuncture CME draws on long standing disciplinary approaches from the political economy of the media, cultural studies, communications studies and critical cultural policy studies. CME also looks to emergent research around social and locative media, ubiquitous computing and the city, labour in the cultural economy, and the post-neoliberal agenda.
Creative Spaces and Collingwood Arts Precinct
Justin O'Connor (March, 2018)
Culture, Creativity, Cultural Economy: A Review
Mark Gibson and Justin O'Connor (March, 2017)
Cosmopolitan Intimacy and Filter Bubbles
Alex Lambert (March, 2017)
Blog Archive
CME has on-going funding from the Monash Arts Faculty’s Focus programme, and has developed links with the following institutions:
CAMEo - Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies, University of Leicester
Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies, University of Warwick
International Institute for Popular Culture, University of Turku, Finland
CME is also at the centre of a new Monash-Shanghai Jiaotong (School of Media and Design) Global Cultural Economy Research Hub.