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The Mediated Society

DATE: May 25

TIME: 10am—12pm

LOCATION: Room S9.01/2, Building S, Level 9, Monash University Caulfield Campus.

The Mediated Society theme in Culture, Media and Economy is broadly tasked with interrogating the dialectic nature of transformations within and between media industries, social institutions and people. We might colloquially discuss these changes as ‘media effects’. Professionally, however, we’d avoid the term; it carries too much baggage. Mediatization theorists, for example, feel that ‘media effects’ is too closely tied to overly ‘media centric’ approaches to power; cultivation analysis, agenda-setting, framing analysis and the like.


Others counter that the time is right to reconsider what the ‘old’ ideas in these ‘effects’ approaches have to offer contemporary scholars; especially with a renewed interest in quantitative research methods. This is all the more so since, according to some of its critics, the mediatisation thesis hasn’t succeeded in forging a non media-centric agenda. Perhaps the question is, should it? Do we want the term ‘media effects back’? What did it mean, in the first place, and how might it work now?


CME is hosting an event to explore these questions. After short presentations on current projects that are based in different methods, concepts and understandings of media power, guests will be invited to join a conversation on the ever elusive question; how do media exercise distinct influences over social life?  

New Directions: Good Living, Sustainability, Cultural Economy


DATE: May 24

TIME: 1pm—5pm

LOCATION: Room S9.01/2, Building S, Level 9, Monash University Caulfield Campus.

GUEST SPEAKER: Dan Baron Cohen

The Masters of Cultural and Creative Industries and CME is currently hosting Dan Baron Cohen, from the Rivers of Encounter community university project in Maraba, Amazonian Brazil. Their project Good Living Amazon is an attempt to rethink a thirty five year journey through theatre and radical pedagogy with the concept and practice of buen viver. 'Good Living' is a South American attempt to use indigenous cultural rights and knowledge to challenge dominant models of economic growth and unsustainable consumption. It has become a direct challenge to the creative industries agenda in many Latin countries. 


In this informal seminar we hoped to explore some of the possibilities buen viver opens for new thinking around cultural policy and cultural economy in Australia, and how it might connect with new approaches from ecological, feminist, 'post-capitalist' and labor movement perspectives.

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